WSU Fisheries Science Club (AFS Subunit)
Join the only club on campus dedicated to all things fish. We are dedicated students interested in understanding and conserving fish as a natural resource. Opportunities include research, training, and fishing!
Meet the Team
Tad Iritani
MS Animal Sciences
Evan Barnes
Hatchery Manager- Phelps Lab
Alex Lopez
PhD Biology
Jared Stieve
MS Environmental Science
Club Research and Education Projects
Want to get involved in club research and outreach? Check out our page of club projects and see where you want to make a difference.
Meeting Dates
October 3
Guest Speaker: Tholen Blasko - WDFW & Puget Sound Energy
-Essentials for a Field Pack
January 9
February 20
November 14
Tyler Coleman- Trout Unlimited
January 23
March 6Get Tickets
December 5
Josh Williams- WDFW Biologist
Fly Tying Night
February 6
March 27
Upcoming events.
Meetings: Bi-weekly Thursdays 6:00 PM-7:00 PM in the VBR 305
Fly-Tying Night: December 5
-Field work opportunities:
Chinook Sampling- October
Chum Sampling- November
Fishing Opportunities:
Coho/Steelhead fishing- January