The Decoding the Salmonid Genome Project is a collaborative effort for large-scale functional characterization of genetic elements using CRISPR gene edited Rainbow Trout as a model salmonid system

Bottleneck in Functional Genomics

Studies of genome function often rely on labor intensive characterization of individual genes. The effort involved in this process has limited most functional genome characterization studies to model organisms where genetic manipulation is routine. Focusing on individual genes is biased toward genes of large effect and is unable identify gene interactions, non-coding elements and regulatory mechanisms that arguably influence phenotypic traits to a larger degree than changes in protein coding regions.

Decoding the Salmonid Genome Project

How will the Decoding the Salmonid Genome Project address this limitation in genome functional characterization? The project aims to revolutionize functional genomic studies by changing the way we investigate genome function in animals. This will be accomplish through CRISPR in vivo screening technology to initially modify over 1000 genome targets using rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as a ecologically and evolutionarily important model species.

Approach for Salmonid Large-Scale Functional Genomic Screen

The success of the Decode the Salmonid Genome Project will greatly benefit from the collective intellectual contribution of the global community of scientists, natural resource managers, and the aquaculture industry. Contribute your knowledge to help advance the project.